In the experienced gloves of Maryetta Jacques, the AHS Culinary Arts program thrives. The program helps all students get Oregon Food Handler licenses, and provides multiple years of programs for students to master their craft.
Through a long partnership with the Ashland Food Coop, the students work with quality ingredients whenever possible.
Formally called the Career and Technical Education Culinary and Hospitality program, culinary arts at Ashland High School is an American Culinary Federation accredited, college credit high school CTE program. CTE programs receive funding from the state and federal government to provide students with hands-on classes taught by industry experts in the course of their normal high school day. As the Culinary and Hospitality industry is so crucial to our economy in the rogue valley, particularly in Ashland-- our program has the highest enrollment out of all CTE programs at AHS. Unfortunately, state and federal funding is only for industry grade equipment, and is not able to be used for consumables. This leaves a gap in what the program is able to offer students in working with relevant, sustainably sourced ingredients. AHAA and the Ashland Food Coop work with the program to fill this gap.